
Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Echo

 The Echo

The Lockwood Gate Thriller Series #2

Melinda Di Lorenzo

Reviewed by Helen

Book two in this series and it is another twisty mind turning story, when Rose McGovern’s sister, Daisy is found dead at the bottom of a bridge it is declared a terrible accident but Rose knows better and will never give up until the truth is found no matter what danger she puts herself in.

Rose makes herself so well known to the local police station with her thoughts on what really happened that she is soon banned from going there and also taken off to the local psych ward for three days but give up, never.

When Rose in her research discovers another woman’s death eerily the same as Daisy’s Rose is even more convinced that there is something sinister going on, her research leads her to Orin whose sister in law died in a tragic accident as well and between them they continue to do their research and discover a pattern but they both know that the police will not help so it is up to them to find the answers, but will they be able to, who are they up against, who can she trust and how many deaths have there been?

This one again had my mind jumping from one thought to another, fabulous characters Rose and then Orin and Jared added so much to the story and suspense, the more they uncovered the more questions there were, this one is compelling reading, the ending was surprising.

I do highly recommend this one to anyone who loves a good thriller that will have you thinking.

My thanks to the publisher for my digital copy to read and review.

4 stars
May 7, 2024 by Tule Publishing

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