Reviewed by Desere
The read tells of seven school friends, just like everyone they bonded with each other because they had no choice due to the school not being your everyday run of the mill school. This school takes "worthless" kids and turns them into men of the going to war, face anything, always be in power kind.
Not necessarily a bad thing but if you know what happens behind the closed doors you will just as I go into a squirming fit, but this is also what sets the scene for the big bang moments in this read.
Fast-forward a couple of years and we have each of of the seven boys now men with wives, businesses and addictions. One my one they start dying, only not the "Oh dear died because of some addiction of tragic natural event", nope these guys have their throats slashed open.
Enter Detective Max Wolfe, determined to always get his man, smart and focused at all times. Only this is a killer like no other he has ever dealt with before and before long he's as trapped in the nightmare as the men dying, can he catch his man or is that men?
My first Toni Parsons book but so not the last! I was wonderfully lost inside this read I devoured it in twenty four hours! A brilliantly clever plot that had me guessing only a few things and being totally surprised at the rest.
The mystery in this read was pure brilliance, I guessed the identity of the killer three times and got it wrong every time, in that alone lies the truth that this is a truly remarkably crafted murder mystery read, I always get it by the second guess!
The characters were extremely well written and so realistic it was as if I could see them playing out their parts right in front of me. The scene descriptions were so well written it felt the fear, the anger and the knife slashing into the victims, truly gripping.
The book contains a fast array of characters but not the to extent as in some reads, where you feel there is just too much going on. Each character is as vital as the other one and they all made this read a roller-coaster ride of mystery, intrigue, a good educational look at weapons, and best of all a finale that will blow you away!
The book reads like a soft floating wind, not once did it feel as if it was dragging to get to a conclusion which I find in most thrillers happens too often.
I highly recommend this read for all fans of thrillers that entertain on every page. I look forward to another read from this author.
5/5 star review
" The bag of murder contains more than just a secret of the past"
** Copy provided by Random House Struik South Africa in exchange for a honest review
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