Reviewed by Desere
Everyone thinks Emma Dockery has gone mad, as in completely off the deep end! She's obsessed with finding the link between hundreds of unsolved cases, she's even gone as far as taking leave from her job as a FBI researcher.
Surrounding herself with newspaper clippings on the walls of her bedroom and night after night suffering through endless nightmares of a raging all-consuming fire, she dredges on day after day seeking to find that one vital clue to make the world believe her.
She of course comes off as so nuts that not even her ex-boyfriend, FA Harrison 'Books' Bookman will believe her crazy theory that hundreds of kidnappings, rapes and murders are somehow all connected. That all comes to a earth-shattering " now you believe me" moment when Emma finds the one piece of evidence not even Books can ignore. As more and more murders are reported each passing day with no motives, no murder weapons in sight and zero suspects Emma's chances of proving the unthinkable seem bleaker with each murder, and worst of all, she might just die trying.
I loved this book, it had me guessing at each and every turn, and best of all it was one of those books that once you start, putting it away for later is simply just not possible. The author sucks you in to the mystery and there is no way you can leave this absolutely thrill ride of a book for even a second!
There was many twists and turns in this book, but not the kind that would have you thinking " I saw that coming!" and then silently keeping the " I so did not see it, but I want to look smart " comments to yourself, no this author hits you with the unexpected when you least expect it and completely threw me for a loop each and every time.
I am a big fan of mystery reads and I am pretty good with solving the mystery after about six or seven chapters and long before the end, yet with this read I simply could just not get to it. Each time I thought I have it all worked out the author would bring forth such a rollercoaster of a twist it made me feel like Emma , back to square one!
I could not get enough of the emotion in this book, from frustration to anger to hurt to absolute " Eureka!" moments and back again to " Oh no, that did not just happen!!" very addictive !
I highly recommend this book for all fans of a fantastic, blow your mind, knock your socks off mystery reads. Once you start this book you will simply be trapped in this author's world and believe me you will not want to leave, it's simply too good to want to go!
4.5 star review
" Within the flames of hate lies the truth of death"
*** Now available at Random House Struik South Africa
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